So if they were so great...why didn't they last?
Ahh, so here's the fun part....maybe some of you already know, and maybe some are just tuning in. The "Great American Streetcar Scandal", or the locally known "General Motors Streetcar Conspiracy". Big automakers, banning together, to buy out light rail and electric trollies throughout the country. Well that just doesn't sound right....
Well, now it's 2008 and everyone from ABC to NBC to Ford to Ebay, have realized that action needs to be taken. We need to change, and we need to change now. "Be green", "go green", "live green", etc, etc, etc.
You don't need to turn off all the lights and burn candles for light and heat (though it could be kinda romantic...). But you could start by leaving the car at home for an evening out.
The Night Move is coming. Run on Biodiesel, and ready to take you from here to there. Details will be announced in the next few weeks, so hold on to your hats. This is the Detroit Transportation Revolution.